We observed that many people are having confusions like, why should I give Suvarna Prashana to my child, what does the impact of Swarnaprashana on my child, how does the Swarna Prashana helps to child’s growth, etc.
Maharshi Kashyapa says Suvarna Prashana improves Intelligence, Digestive fire and Physical power of the child. It gives long, spiritual, holy and saintly life. It gives rejuvenation effects and tone ups the skin. It improves immunity in a way so that your child is prevented from bacterial and viral infections. Regular use of Suvarnaprashana helps in such a way that, your child gets best immunity to defeat diseases. Regular use of Swarna Bindu Prashana make child very intelligent and he can remember all heard by him.
Benefits of Suvarna Prashana:
- Immune System towards diseases becomes stronger
- Increases Physical strength.and growth of the baby
- Grasping power, Analysis power and Recall memory becomes sharper
- Improves Digestive power
- Tones up Skin color and Texture
- Protects the baby from different kinds of Allergies